Examples for Lark
How to run the examples:
After cloning the repo, open the terminal into the root directory of the project, and run the following:
[lark]$ python -m examples.<name_of_example>
For example, the following will parse all the Python files in the standard library of your local installation:
[lark]$ python -m examples.advanced.python_parser
Beginner Examples
Advanced Examples
Error handling using an interactive parser
Python 3 to Python 2 converter (tree templates)
Grammar-complete Python Parser
Creating an AST from the parse tree
Example-Driven Error Reporting
Example-Driven Error Reporting
Grammar Composition
This example shows how to do grammar composition in Lark, by creating a new file format that allows both CSV and JSON to co-exist.
We show how, by using namespaces, Lark grammars and their transformers can be fully reused - they don’t need to care if their grammar is used directly, or being imported, or who is doing the importing.
See main.py for more details.
Example Grammars
This directory is a collection of lark grammars, taken from real world projects.
Standalone example
To initialize, cd to this folder, and run:
python -m lark.tools.standalone json.lark > json_parser.py
Then run using:
python json_parser_main.py <path-to.json>